Non-Toxic Cleaning

I came to the realization about toxic chemicals through cleaning. I started a job cleaning professionally and was using name brand cleaning products and started developing a rash on my face. I could not figure out what it was from and then I put two in two together and realized I started getting the rash when I started cleaning. I was on a mission to make how I cleaned as safe as I possibly could.

One thing people need to realize is that making money is a big driver for businesses. That’s where marketing comes in. Picture this: You own a cleaning product business. And you’re wondering: How can we make more money? Solution: Convince the consumer that they need different products for all different kinds of surfaces. Most products are all made of similar things, so why do I need a different bottle of cleaner to clean the outside of my toilet vs. the inside of my toilet? You don’t. Thinker smarter people, and keep asking questions.

The only brand I buy my cleaning products from is Branch Basics. I trust this brand so much and know that it’s so safe. I came across them while listening to a podcast they were on (The Skinny Confidential). Their stories are incredible, and are worth the listen.

Here are the podcasts with the owners of Branch Basics:

Branch Basics Founder Allison Evans

Marilee Nelson & Allison Evans

I have the Starter Kit. I use the multi purpose cleaner for everything. The bathroom cleaner I use in showers, inside and outside the toilet. I don’t necessarily use the streak-free cleaner, I have found a specific cloth I use that I like better. You can use the concentration for a lot of stuff, floors, cleaning fruits and vegetables, and even washing your body.

For mirrors, stainless steel, windows, wiping down leather or wood, or wiping dust off surfaces, I use the Ultimate Cloth. It’s a type of microfiber cloth that kind of feels like leather, and all you need to do is get it wet, and wring it out and it’s good to go. Throw it in the washer to clean it. Non-toxic and reusable = win win.

If you have wood floors, you don’t need any type of special cleaner. All you need is water and a little bit of white vinegar. There’s something spiritual about getting on your hands and knees and washing the floor with your hands. I can’t explain it, it’s some what meditative and more rewarding than using a Swiffer or Bona. The ratio for water and vinegar is:

1 gallon warm water

1/2 cup vinegar

For laundry, I literally just put like 1/3 cup of vinegar into the detergent spot. All my clothes come out clean and they don’t smell. It’s magic, somehow it just works. Branch Basics also has a non-toxic laundry detergent that would be good too, I haven’t tried it though.

That’s it. Keep it simple. If I’m missing something or you need help trying to find any other non-toxic cleaners you can comment down below.


Listening to your body