Food Resources
Fats, Carbs, Protein
Tips to help you find the most nutrient dense food that has stood the test of time.
Food can be a confusing topic. One person is telling you seed oil is good for you, and then the other is telling you it causes obesity. You know what’s best for you. So when you hear two different things, you need to trust yourself and make a decision.
When I make my decisions on food, the source I trust the most is… our ancestors. Humans have been around for tens to hundred thousands of years, so I always opt for the food that has been around the longest. Seed oils became popular in the 1900’s, and with that, so did heart disease and obesity rates.
Check the ingredients and make sure it just says tallow, sometimes they’ll mix it with bad oils. Look for grass - fed. Use tallow for frying purposes. I use it to make eggs and frying my steaks.
Seed Oils
Sunflower, Canola, Safflower, Soybean, Cottonseed Oil. Found in pretty much all that fried fast food people eat and all processed foods.
Sneaky “healthy” foods it’s in: plant based milks, some broths (check ingredients)
Use when greasing up your engine.
Olive Oil
Look for cold - pressed and glass bottling. Best to not heat olive oil, use for dressings.
Carbohydrates are found in many foods. Carbs are starch and sugar. The most natural form of carbs are fruits and vegetables. They contain the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, fat and fiber to support life and help digest them. But when we eat refined carbs, it calls on the bodies stored nutrients to help digest them. So instead of nourishing the body, they deplete the body of its precious reserves. Refined sugar is not good for humans, period. Opt for unrefined natural sugars that do more for the body instead of depleting it.
Maple Syrup
Buy local if possible. Make sure the only ingredient is Maple Syrup. You can use this in baking or for eating.
Fruits and Vegetables
Organic is best. Fruits that have a peel can be bought non-organic. The pesticides tend to be in the peel, just make sure to clean it well.
Local Farmers Market is #1 option
Try buying fruits and vegetables that are in season
Bread is usually only a few ingredients. When I’ve made bread, it only asks for yeast, flour, water, and salt. Next time you’re buying bread, flip it over and see how many ingredients are in it.
Make your own bread or buy from a neighbor, store it in the fridge or freezer to preserve it.
If buying from a store- opt for Sourdough, or sprouted grain bread.
Homemade Sourdough contains probiotics and enzymes your body needs to break down the grain.
Refined Sugars
White sugar, brown sugar, powered sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
Eat this to disrupt the body and deplete it of it’s nutrients.
Ahhh protein, what a controversial topic. To save the cows or to not save the cows. This is how I view protein: Animals eat food based on instinct. If I let my dog out to fend for himself, he’s not going to run to the neighbors garden and eat some broccoli. He’s going to find some scraps of a leftover deer carcass or chase down a squirrel. No one told him to do that, he just did it. Humans have canine teeth, so to me, that means meat is good for us.
On the other hand, the way livestock has been treated is terrible and I don’t agree with it. Grass-fed beef is a lot more beneficial to humans and cows, than cows in a feed lot. I want to eat meat from an animal that lived a good life and grazed on some nice grass fields. I think it’s important to support local farms and regenerative farms. The more we do this, the more of an incentive it gives other farmers to do so.
I tend to eat a lot more beef than chicken, 1 cow can produce around 750 lbs of meat, while 1 chicken can produce around 1.5 lbs. Do what you will with that information, but I’m going to stick to beef.
There is no life without death. They are two sides to the same coin. Even if you’re vegetarian, there is death in that too. Think of all the organisms in fields and in the ground that are killed during tilling or harvesting. Are you eating organic plants? There’s most likely bone meal used to fertilize those plants. What is bone meal?
Bone meal is dried animal bones. So you see, There is no life without death.
Grass - Fed Beef
Grass - fed and regenerative is ideal. Local beef is the best, learn how the farmer takes care of their cattle.
Whole Foods - Force of Nature - pricer but regeneratively farmed
When buying salmon, buy Alaskan vs. Atlantic. Atlantic tends to be farmed raised fish, and can have dyes in it and be contaminated.